Sunday, November 2, 2008

Can't Believe It's November!

We had a great Halloween and can't believe it's already November!  We had our Ward Trunk or Treat and, can you believe it, Jacob won the costume parade as Napoleon Dynamite.  And there were a lot of kids there...
On Halloween, we had our annual "friend" party which is always fun and will be one of our favorite memories of Louisville.  Matt dressed up like Jim from the office and Jacob was, again, Napoleon Dynamite.  I was a tired Mom (myself) because I hadn't had a minute of the day to think about being anything.  I had wanted to be Pam to match Jim, but oh well!  Maybe next year!
Matt is on his Illinois interview (Champagne) just now and so the process had begun.  We can't believe we're winding down our time here and on to something else.  Wow!

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