Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fun with Grandparents in Louisville!

What a wonderful time we had with Dad and Mom this past weekend in Louisville! It was great to have them come and stay and especially since they got to be here for Matty's birthday on Friday! It was so great to relax, eat yummy food and enjoy one another's company! We miss them so much already and can't wait till we get more family out here! Hint hint! Hope everyone's doing well!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

At the Kentucky State Fair!

Last weekend Matt and I took Jacob to the State Fair held here in Louisville each year and it was really fun! Even though we didn't ride rides, we walked the whole fair grounds, saw the horses and other livestock which Jacob loved! His favorite was the sheep because that seems to be his favorite animal and has been since he was just a couple of months old! Hope everyone's doing great!