Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At Huber Farms Getting Our Pumpkins!

We had so much fun picking pumpkins with friends in our ward on Saturday! Finally the weather has turned cooler so it felt enough like fall to do something festive. I had the most amazing, scary experience yesterday after out walking. Read below!

MY CRAZY EXPERIENCE UPDATE! Here is the update on what happened to the girl that was abused by her mean stepdad. So two days ago I came home from grocery shopping and the girl's sister was standing across our street in the rain, waiting for her brother to get off the bus. I called out to her and asked if her sister was okay. She came over and told me what happened. Here is the condensed version, although I'm not sure if she was telling the complete truth about everything. The police came by to pick the guy up and, as she told me, he was drunk in one of their upstairs rooms. He was taken away, after a slap from the mom according to the sister, and will be in jail for up to two years. Amazing huh? I'm just so relieved that he can't hurt her anymore!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fun with Grandparents in Louisville!

What a wonderful time we had with Dad and Mom this past weekend in Louisville! It was great to have them come and stay and especially since they got to be here for Matty's birthday on Friday! It was so great to relax, eat yummy food and enjoy one another's company! We miss them so much already and can't wait till we get more family out here! Hint hint! Hope everyone's doing well!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

At the Kentucky State Fair!

Last weekend Matt and I took Jacob to the State Fair held here in Louisville each year and it was really fun! Even though we didn't ride rides, we walked the whole fair grounds, saw the horses and other livestock which Jacob loved! His favorite was the sheep because that seems to be his favorite animal and has been since he was just a couple of months old! Hope everyone's doing great!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Family at our Kunzler Reunion!

Before the Steuer reunion, Jacob and I came a week early and we had a Kunzler (my mom's side) reunion in Spanish Fork canyon. It was so much fun to see everyone and everyone kept asking where Matt was. They were really sad he had clinic and couldn't come cause they LOVE him!

Me, Rebecca and Liz!

I had SO much fun with my wonderful, beautiful sisters at our reunion!

Monday, August 20, 2007

We had so much fun with everyone at the reunion! Thanks so much to Dad and Mom for EVERYTHING! It was perfect!